Moving In The Rain

websitebuilder • Aug 11, 2020
Moving and Relocation in the Rain

At Atkins Removals we appreciate moving isn’t often something done on a whim.  You’ve probably picked a date a few weeks, if not months in advance, and as such, are at the mercy of the weather on the day.  If the weather forecast is suggesting rain, you’ll want to take a few extra precautions to ensure a smoother (and drier) move.  Here are our tips and tricks to help make moving in the rain a breeze.

# Keep checking the weather forecast

If there’s one thing that can change faster than the weather itself it’s the forecast.  If sunny skies were predicted a week prior to moving, check again – you might find the forecast changes as the day draws nearer.  The closer the date gets, the more you can start to trust the times and quantities of rain being predicted.

# Stock up on bin bags

Large bin bags are a godsend if it is raining on moving day.  With minimal prep and cost you can waterproof just about anything with these bags.  Use packing tape to secure the openings and ends.  Your furniture removal company should be able to supply high quality packing tape for this purpose.

# Wrap absolutely everything

With everything that needs packing when moving, it’s easy to get lazy and only wrap the important boxes in packing wrap.  Chances are though that the less important cartons are likely to be the last ones opened in your new home and if water gets in, you’ll find nothing but a mouldy mess when you unpack them. The easy solution is to wrap everything!!

# Protect your floors

Whether it’s your new home or your old stomping ground, rainy weather usually means walking in water and mud.  If rain is forecast plan to keep a few old towels unpacked and place a few in each doorway to save damaging your floors.  

# Waterproof precious items

Don’t just trust bins bags for your extremely precious items.  Waterproofing each individual item with its own bag and plastic wrapping can help ensure your most treasured items are safe from the weather.
# Shorten carrying distances
Rain doesn’t really matter when you are actually in transit or indoors packing cartons.  It’s when you are moving furniture in the rain that it can cause havoc.  If you can get your transit vehicle right up to the door (or even in the garage), you can minimise the time your belongings are exposed to the elements.

# Set up temporary cover

An old gazebo from your camping equipment can provide cover from the door to the vehicle.  If you have shortened your carrying distance as much as you can, some sneaky cover can make a short walk through the rain a completely covered path.

# Prioritise your most important items

If you have a break in the weather, transport what you cannot afford to get wet.  That could be your furniture, bedding, paintings or whatever you consider the most delicate in the rain.

# Create an assembly line

Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.  The more order and structure you can bring to your moving the faster it will flow.  And, naturally, the faster it goes, the less time it will be threatened by rain.
Start planning inside which items need to be loaded first and try to arrange everything before you start carrying them, so you spend as little time as possible rearranging things in your transit vehicle.  This also helps your furniture removal company plan the load and minimise time in the weather.

# Dry boxes and furniture as you load them

If furniture and boxes do get a bit wet as you load them, don’t wait to act.  Simply wiping items down can save water from seeping though and also prevent them from slipping out of your grasp at the other end.

# How do I know when I should reschedule my move?

There obviously comes a point when the weather turns bad enough to consider rescheduling.  That’s generally the point that high winds, hail, or lightening are involved.  If you’re not sure, ask yourself “Could I get hurt moving in the predicted weather conditions?”.  If lightening, floodwaters, hail, or wind could result in injury or worse, it’s worth staying indoors.  Even the toughest Aussie storms usually only hang around for an hour or two.  You shouldn’t need to find a new day to move – just a new time.

# Moving in the rain is easier with help

Of course, if you need a furniture removal company to help move you in the rain, you can always chat to Atkins Removals & Storage.  All of our removal teams, trucks, transport, and techniques are optimized to ensure your belongings stay as safe as possible.
When you require a professional moving service , consider Atkins Removals & Storage Pty Ltd . Visit our website or call 03 6326 4100 to see how we can keep your move as stress-free as possible.

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